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Carl Weber's Kingpins Page 5

  “Yeah, I think we should shut down for the day.”

  “You’re probably right. Go ’head and shut down, and I’ll get up with y’all in a minute.”

  I drove off speeding through the streets. I couldn’t even think straight. I would’ve never expected a retaliation to come so swiftly. I prayed that he would pull through as I made my way down to the emergency room. When I pulled up, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. I saw some of the strongest niggas breaking down in tears. Immediately, I knew he hadn’t made it. I couldn’t even get out of the car as I sat and watched. I thought about that fact that I had just left him. A few more minutes and I’d have been laid up next to him. I tried to get my thoughts together before I got out, when I heard a loud scream followed by a bunch of commotion. I looked out the window to my left and saw Horse being held by a few security guards. I jumped out of the car and ran over to him.

  “I got him,” I said to the one guard. The guard looked at me like I was crazy. “I said I got him,” I yelled at the security guard.

  The bigger security guard looked over at me with evil eyes before backing away. Once they let go I grabbed Horse and hugged him. Though I wasn’t related to them by blood they were the closest thing to a family I had. I could feel his heartbreak and shared his devastation. Our brother was gone.

  “I’m gonna kill whoever is responsible for this shit!” he yelled as I held on to him. I knew if I let him go he’d tear up some shit. He’d been known for taking out his anger on anything that wasn’t nailed down. I couldn’t even think of any words to say. I knew that nothing I said would comfort him. I wanted to answer his question at that moment and let him know about the conversation that I’d had with Nate just before this shit went down, but I decided that now wasn’t the best time. After a few more seconds, he calmed down enough that I was confident in letting him go.

  “Let’s ride out,” Horse said.

  “A’ight,” I agreed and walked around to the driver’s side of my car.

  Horse got in and closed the door. “They wouldn’t even let me see him,” he said, shaking his head in disgust.

  I couldn’t even respond. I wanted to allow him to grieve without dealing with the shit that was on my mind. I knew that it would be pointless to go after the niggas who did it, because their boss was dead. Without Tyrese they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Instead of going to war with a bunch of minions, we needed to plan for takeover. In my mind I was playing out the moves I needed to make. I was the only one who could continue in Nate’s place. He’d put me on to everything he knew, he’d introduced me to his Colombian connect and given me the combinations to all of the safes. I even had the key to his house, something that Horse never had.

  “So what’s next? I know he’d want you to run shit in his absence,” Horse said.

  “I don’t want you to worry about that shit right now, man. You need to be with your family.”

  “You are my family. I’m worried about you, too. I don’t need to worry about burying you next.”

  “You won’t. I’ll get everything under control. I promise you that.”

  “Well, I’ll step up to the plate if need be. Fuck working for the white man. I’ll work for you.”

  “All right. I’ll keep that in mind. Did you want me to drop you off somewhere? I’m gonna go make sure everything is shut down for the night.”

  “Nah, I’ll ride with you.”

  “Cool,” I replied.

  I had so many thoughts and emotions running through me at that moment. I’d wanted to be the boss for a long time, but never this way. I would’ve wanted to rule side by side with Nate. I knew that I could do anything that I put my mind to so I was sure that I could handle it. I’d watched the throne for years. Now it was time to take a seat and do things my way.

  Chapter Nine

  Better Be Good


  I walked into the party with a big smile on my face. Shany’s mom had gone all out for this celebration. They’d rented a banquet hall, and decorated it with our school colors. I was going to try my hardest to have a good time despite all of the drama going on in my life. I spoke to a few of my classmates as I walked to the back where I could see my friends standing in a small circle.

  “Hey, ladies,” I said as I approached.

  “Hey, girl. I thought you wasn’t going to make it,” Shany said, reaching out to give me a hug.

  “Girl, I wouldn’t miss this party for the world. Besides, I have something to tell you.”

  “What, girl?”

  “Walk over here with me,” I said, nodding my head to the left.

  “I’ll be right back, y’all,” Shany told the group. “This better be good,” she said.

  “Remember that day when we were over at the lounge and we saw Dontay getting into that black truck?”


  “Well, I was on my way walking home and that same car stopped me. The big guy we’d seen with Dontay asked for my number and said that Dontay wanted to meet me,” I said with a girlish giggle.

  “What? Girl, how do you know it was really for Dontay? What if that big-ass ugly nigga wanted the digits for himself?”

  “I hadn’t even thought about that,” I said.

  “Well, I hope that isn’t the case, ’cause, girl, I would vomit for you if that shit was a lie. No way could I ever get close to that dude.” She burst into laughter.

  “Well, we will surely see. Now let’s get to the party and have some fun.”

  Soon Octavia arrived and we had a ball. We danced, celebrating our future. The party was over at nine, and I dreaded going home. I just didn’t feel like being bothered. I took my time walking down the block. I was so deep in thought that I almost didn’t notice the black Mercedes parked on the corner with the music blasting. Leaning on the side of the hood was Dontay.

  In one hand was a beer and in the other a phone. He was chatting away until I got close, when he abruptly ended his call. I wanted to fake it and try to be cool as if I hadn’t noticed him standing there. He was fine as shit and simply irresistible. Everything about him was perfection, a true masterpiece. He was dressed from head to toe in designer gear. I could only imagine the price tag associated with his outfit. I was mesmerized, so much so I could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear a thing.

  “Hello, is anybody in there?” he said while waving his hands in front of me.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I’ve had a really long day. Hi,” I said, holding in my smile.

  “Well, I’ve been looking for you. Desire, right?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “When I heard that was your name I couldn’t believe it. I wondered what was behind it. It’s truly one of the most unique names I’ve ever heard, besides on a stripper, and I’m sure you aren’t one of those, are you?”

  I laughed. “No, I am definitely not one of those.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing. Can’t have my lady up there on no stripper pole shaking her ass for dollars.”

  “Your lady?” I asked, shocked by the claim.

  “Well, not yet, but you will be,” he said with confidence.

  “From what I hear, you have a woman. So I don’t see how that would even be possible.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “I mean, everyone knows you, and the streets talk.”

  “The streets? What do you know about the streets?” he said as he laughed.

  “I know a little bit,” I said with one hand on my hip.

  “I find that hard to believe. You’re too pretty to be in the streets.”

  “So is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  “That you have a woman.” I wanted him to answer that with a no. I would’ve been crushed had he said yes. I hadn’t heard anything on the streets about him having a woman. I just needed a clever way to ask the question. I didn’t want him to know that I’d practically stalked him trying to get his attention.

  “Yes and no,” he replie

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means just that: yes and no.”

  “That answer doesn’t make any sense,” I said with a twisted lip. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to hide, but I needed to know the answer.

  “It makes perfect sense if think about it.”

  “I am thinking, and it should be yes or no, not both.”

  “Well, the answer to that depends on you.”

  “Huh? If you aren’t going to be honest there is no need to continue this conversation.” I was clueless. I had no idea what the hell he was trying to say.

  “Truth is, I have a woman, but she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  By this time, he was standing so close to me I could feel his breath. The smell of his cologne was sending chills up and down my spine. He was arousing all of my senses without even touching me. He was as close to perfect as one could possibly get. I held my composure as best I could. I had never been this up close and personal with a man, and I say “man” because there wasn’t anything boyish about him. For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me—well, at least I hoped that he would. I closed my eyes, waiting to feel his lips touch mine, but there was nothing.

  “In due time, baby girl, in due time,” he said as he backed away.

  He smiled as he walked around to the driver’s side and hopped in. I stood there watching him drive away, confident that one day that would be my man. I walked home and walked past all of the relatives and family friends who were piled in the living room. I went up to my room, shut the door, and grabbed the phone off the table. I dialed Shany. Octavia would never be happy for me so I didn’t think to call her and share the news. For whatever reason, Octavia didn’t believe a man like Dontay would ever look twice at me. At one point in time, I would’ve believed that too, but a lack of confidence won’t get you nowhere. I was anxious for Shany to pick up so I could spill the tea.

  “Hello,” she said, sounding exhausted.

  “Girl, guess who I saw on my way home?” I yelled.

  “Girl, why the hell are you so loud? Who did you see?”

  “Sorry, I’m just excited. As I turned the block, I see none other than Dontay with his sexy ass, standing there leaning up against the car. I think he was waiting on me.”

  “For real? What did he say?”

  “He said that I was his woman, but I just didn’t know it yet.”

  “He really said that?”

  “Yes, girl. I’m still on cloud nine. I would’ve never thought that he would be interested in me.”

  “Why not? You are gorgeous. A man would have to be blind not to notice that.”

  “That’s why I called you, ’cause Octavia would never agree,” I said, feeling reassured.

  “That’s because deep down Octavia wishes that she was you. I mean, she’s my girl and all and she has a nice body, but that’s about it. A fat ass will only get you so far.”

  “Well, I’m about to get ready to go to bed. I just wanted to let you what happened. I’ll see you tomorrow, girl.”

  “All right, girl. See you tomorrow,” she replied.

  I took a shower and jumped straight in bed. I kept my door locked that night to avoid being bothered.

  Chapter Ten

  Did You See Her?


  I wanted to make her sweat just a little. You had to be careful with young girls because they couldn’t control their emotions. I’d learned to slow walk them into my life. You couldn’t give them too much at once or things could quickly get out of control. I had my mind made up. She was already mine. I just needed to test her to make sure that was the right move to make. She was special, and even though I didn’t know her well, I could tell just by looking at her. She was pure, not tainted by a train of niggas running up in her. She was the type you get and keep forever.

  I had a lot to do this particular day. I had to meet with a new supplier who was giving me a much better price on pure cocaine. I stood to make triple what I did now, and I was looking forward to it. I drove down to the suite where Horse and the crew had been patiently waiting for me. Horse greeted me at the door with our signature handshake.

  “What’s good? Is everybody here?”

  “Yeah, they are all here except that nigga Joe Joe. I tried to call him a few times. I even sent Jay and them to look for him earlier. He came back and said he couldn’t find him.”

  “Well, we’ll deal with that shit later,” I said as I walked into the room filled with my most trusted soldiers. In this game you had to be careful who you shared certain information with. There was always someone watching and waiting for the right time to try to take your spot.

  “So what’s the deal?” Jay was the first one to speak.

  “I brought you all here today to talk about a new connect. I know I’ve been working with Manny for a few years and the quality is great. It’s the price that I have an issue with. I found a new supplier from Miami who has pure cocaine for almost sixty percent less than what I pay now. The reason I called this meeting is because I wanted to make sure we could move the weight since a better quality product with a cheaper price tag will bring more customers. I don’t want to take on more than we are capable of handling.”

  “I get what you’re saying, but how do you know the cocaine is pure? I mean, why not do a test run first and see what the response is before cutting ties with Manny and investing in something that you don’t know for a fact will work?”

  “I know it’s pure because I tested it already. This isn’t something that I just decided on overnight. This is something that has been in the works for a very long time. I’ve always looked at you all as partners. I need to be sure that all of you are on board before moving forward.”

  Everyone except Jay was silent. Probably all in deep thought. I was never one to bring something to that table that I didn’t think would work. I wasn’t here for permission. I just wanted them to feel like they had a say.

  “I mean, if you think it’ll work I’m down. Anything that can put us in a better position is all right with me. I didn’t get into this game to be a corner boy. I got into it to be a boss. So, I’m wit’ it,” Jay said.

  “Well, you know I’m definitely with it,” Horse said.

  “All right, well, I have some shit to handle, and I’m going to meet with the new connect by the end of the week. I’ll update you all once I have everything lined up. Cool?”

  Everyone agreed before we all went our separate ways. Horse and I chatted briefly before we left. There were things I could tell Horse that I wouldn’t dare tell anyone else. He was the closest thing to a brother I had. Whether it was relationships, life, or death, he always had my back. He was always supportive of my decisions even when they may not have been the smartest.

  “When you find out what’s up with Joe Joe hit me up. I need to do some personal shit, but I won’t be far if you need me.”

  “Is everything good?”

  “Yeah, everything is good,” I replied as we walked toward the elevator that led to the parking garage.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, man, I’m sure.” I laughed. “If things weren’t good, trust me, I would definitely let you know.”

  “All right, just checking, ’cause I know you. You just seem like you have a lot on your mind right now.”

  “I do, but nothing you need to worry about. I’ll update you later for sure.”

  “All right. Well, I’ll call you when I find out about Joe Joe,” he said, reaching out to shake my hand. After we parted ways, I got in my car and drove off.

  For the past few months I’d been going to the same spot and sitting for hours watching. I’d found out where Jimmy Black lived, and I grew angrier almost every day. It didn’t matter how many years had passed, I was still furious. I wanted him to pay for what he did to my mother, for what he did to us. He didn’t deserve the shit that he had, and I wanted to be the one to snatch it right from under his feet.

  Almost every day I sat in
the car like I was on a police stakeout watching how he ran his operation. I watched where he went at what time. I knew what time he went to bed at night. Hell, I could even tell you what kind of toothpaste he used. I’d studied him like a book. Every day by his side was his son, Lamar. I would never understand how a man could be a great dad to one child but not give a shit about the other one simply because of the women who gave birth to them. The day he walked out, I thought about how many ways I could murder him. Every night when I went to sleep I saw visions of watching him take his last breath. I became a ruthless killer because of him. Each murder was practice for the ultimate kill. Every time I pulled the trigger, I envisioned his face.

  I sat in the car in deep thought, checking my surroundings. There were people going in and out of their homes and some random children playing in the street. An hour had passed before I finally saw my father appear. He stepped out of a white Mercedes CLS500. You could tell that it was freshly washed because the white paint was so shiny it looked wet. As usual, Lamar stepped out of the passenger seat. Most people would assume that the rage I felt was triggered by jealousy, but it wasn’t. Unless you’ve been in my shoes you couldn’t begin to speculate.

  I watched them enter the corner store, and I waited a half hour until they returned to the sidewalk. They stood outside the car chatting while I watched. I could’ve taken him out right at that moment, but I decided against it. It wasn’t the right time. I started my car and pulled out of the parking spot. I didn’t bother rolling down the windows. I wanted them to wonder who was behind the slow-moving car with dark tinted windows. Both of them turned and stared, trying to see who was behind the wheel. I was just about to a complete stop before I quickly drove off. I was sure that they got a glimpse of my personalized plate. I’d see them again, real soon.

  Chapter Eleven

  Started from the Bottom



  At fifteen I had a body like Tyra Banks and the men would drool when I walked down the block. My mother always told me that it was okay for men to look, but if they wanted to touch, they had to pay. I wasn’t about to be a prostitute, but as I got older, I understood exactly where she was coming from. My virginity was stolen from me, and the painful memory of it was something that I tried to erase from my mind. Travis was the name of the man who held me down and forced me to have sex with him. The experience didn’t last very long, but it left a part of me aching, and there wasn’t anything that could take the pain away. The worst part of it all was the fact that he was my mother’s man, and I was afraid to tell her because I feared her reaction. I knew that it would make her choose between the two of us, and losing him meant she would lose money. I decided to keep it a secret, and it was because of that that it continued.